To train your back and chest there are a number of exercises you can do.
The chest contains the pectorals. These two medium sized muscles located on the left and right of your upper torso, and
designed to pull together you right and left arms. These muscles can only pull-they can't push. You can train these
muscles by doing:-
Bench Press (You can do this with a barbell or dumbells. You should lie flat on a bench with
your feet flat on the floor. Grip a barbell/dumbells slightly wider than shoulder width. Lift the bar off the rack and extend
your arms fully above your chest. Lower the bar slowly until it touches your chest. Press the bar back to the starting point.
Remember to inhale while lowering the bar and exhale while pressing the bar up. Remember, keep your feet on the floor. Do
not arch your back. Lower the bar slowly so it does not bounce off your chest. Always train with a partner or spotter in case
you get caught with too heavy a weight. Beginner bodybuilders should do 1 or 2 sets, 6 - 8 reps. Advanced bodybuilders should do
4-5 sets of 6 - 8 reps), Pullovers (Lie across a bench with only your shoulders on the padded surface
and your feet flat on the floor. Grasp a dumbbell with both hands, palms against the inside of the top plate. Hold the dumbbell
at arm's length, with your elbows slightly bent over your chest. Inhale deeply while simultaneously lowering the dumbbell
behind your head in a smooth arc. Use a weight that will allow you to perform 6 - 8 reps. Also do 4 - 5 sets),
Dumbell Flyes (With a pair of dumbbells in your hands, lie back onto the bench, extend the dumbbells
over your head, palms facing together lower the weights out and down in an arc while keeping your arms slightly bent. Go as
low as is comfortable, then bring the weights back up through the same arc to the starting point. Pretend you're hugging somebody.
Remember, keep the dumbbells in a wide arc, do not press them up from bottom position. Don't smash the weight together at
the top. Use smooth, controlled reps. Concentrate on squeezing your chest muscles as you bring the weights together. Do 4
- 5 sets and 6 - 8 reps), Cable Cross Overs (You do this by having a machine. The machine has two
handles. You hold each handle with each handle. Hold your hands facing downwards when you first grab the handles. Now bend
over slightly and pull each handle down so they touch. Let them back up slowly so you feel comfortable, then pull them
back down. Keep on doing this for 4 - 5 sets and 6 - 8 reps.)
The back is a large set of muscles (upper, middle and lower), located on the backside of the torso. The back is
probably the largest set of muscles on the entire body. They do everything from pulling your arms down and together behind
you (upper and middle), to raising and lowering your torso from a bent over position.
Dumbbell Rowing (Lean on a bench with your left
hand and left knee. Your back should be parallel to the floor. Grab a dumbbell with your right hand at arm's length. Keeping
your head level with your back, pull the dumbbell up into your lower rib cage area, palm facing toward your body. Lower
the weight slowly back to full extension. Keep on doing this for 4 - 5 sets and 6 - 8 reps.), Dead lifts
(when performed correctly are an incredible overall power exercise that involve more muscles than any other exercise you will
come across. They also directly strengthen the lower back muscles .Train with control and form. Too much weight and improper
form while performing the deadlift can cause the muscles in the lower back to shorten quickly, causing the ligaments to loosen
and the muscles to take on 100% of the weight. This can result in severe pain and muscle spasm. Keep your back flat and straight,
your head up and start the lift with your legs and glutes driving the bar up. Use your arms as hooks to hold the bar - do
not lift with them. Exhale as you ascend with the weight. Keep your knees over your toes when you bend to grip the bar. Keep
the bar as close to your body as possible throughout the lift for maximum strength Keep on doing this for 4 - 5 sets and 6
- 8 reps.), Pull Downs With A Reverse-Grip (Stand in front of a high pulley with your
feet shoulder width apart. Grasp the pulley handle with one hand using a reverse grip and stand back, bending slightly at
your hips. Hold the handle so that you upper arm and elbow are vertical and slightly in front of your body with a 90 degree
bend in your elbow. Slowly push down on the handle until your arm is fully extended and behind you, then slowly return it
to the starting position. Keep on doing this for 4 - 5 sets and 6 - 8 reps.), Chin -Ups (One
of the most overlooked exercises in body Building. An excellent exercise in developing the lats and lower-trap fibers, and
stresses the biceps quite well, too. Grasp the bar with an overhand grip, hands about 10 inches apart. From an extended position,
pull yourself high until your elbows are close to your ribs. As you pull up, lean back by arching your back in an attempt
to bring your face next to the bar as opposed to under it. Breathe in deeply as you begin the movement and exhale forcefully
once you're through the sticking point Keep on doing this for 4 - 5 sets and 25 - 45 reps), Seated Cable Rows (Attach
a V-handle to a low cable pulley machine and sit on the machine with your feet braced against the footrest or metal plate.
Keeping your knees slightly bent, grasp the V-handle with your palms facing each other. Your trunk should be perpendicular
to the floor and your arms outstretched , making the cable taut. Your trunk must remain stationary throughout the movement
to ensure that you involve the correct muscles. Pull the handle toward your chest, moving your elbows back and close to your
sides as far as possible. Try to squeeze your elbows together behind you at the contraction, then slowly let your arms return
to the starting position. Exhale as you pull the cable forward; inhale as your return to the starting position Keep on doing
this for 4 - 5 sets and 6 - 8 reps), Bent Over Barbell Rows (bend over so your back is parallel
with the floor, knees slightly bent, pick the barbell up and pull it up to your chest then lower it again so it is an inche
off of the floor. Keep on doing this for 4 - 5 sets and 6 - 8 reps), T-Bar Rows (you can rather
use a machine to do this or a barbell. Using the barbell, put one end into the corner,and on the other end put moderate/heavy